SEND and Inclusion

As a parent, you may wish to raise a concern regarding your child if you believe that they may have Special Educational Need or issues around their progress. In the first instance, please speak with your child's Class Teacher. If you feel this has not been resolved, you can request a meeting with the School's Special Educational Needs Coordinator. They will be able to advise you or support you with your query. 

Should you feel that you child would benefit from some additional support, the SEND Coordinator may contact you for a discussion. 


Click Inky to see our new SEND offer 


SEND and Inclusion Lead: Miss Abbie Holliday

e-mail: [email protected] 

SEND Governor: Mrs. Katie Hunt 

e-mail: [email protected]  


Below, you will find some useful links to our School Offer, the Local Offer and useful phone numbers to support you. If you wish to contact the SEND Leader you can use [email protected] 


School Cause for Concern referral 

School Information Passport 

School Learning Plan - Example

School SEND policy

Information Report

School Accessibility Plan

Intimate Care Policy


Worcestershire Graduated Response 

Worcestershire Local Offer: 

SEND Code of Practice

SENDIAS 01905 768153