School Uniform 

We have a uniform to provide a practical and smart appearance for all the children. Our school specific uniform (with the school logo) is available to purchase online through our supplier, Brigade. There is some pre-loved uniform available at the school office. A small donation is required. As children are permitted to wear PE kit on PE days, this should follow school uniform of school T shirt, joggers and optional hoodie. (no branded clothing) 




Polo Shirts

White, long or short sleeves


Sweatshirts /



 This should be preferably with a school logo 

Trousers / Skirts


Skirts should be knee-length


Black, sensible flat heeled

Trainers should only be worn if they are all black, including the sole. If boots are worn, children will need to change into shoes whilst in school.

Summer Dresses

Yellow / White, striped or checked



Grey knee length (Grey)

For hot weather

PE Kit

Shorts or joggers – Navy, T-Shirt – Yellow / white, school Hoodie – House colours, Plimsolls or trainers

In September we will confirm PE days for Year Groups.

Children should not wear clothing with logos


Long hair should be tied back at all times.


This can be a hair band, clip, or bobble

Children should not have lines in their hair. If so, this should be down overt the school holidays and left to grow out over term time.


Only stud earrings are allowed if children have pierced ears. No jewellery is permitted otherwise.

For safety and security reasons. If children have pierced ears we expect them to manage removing and inserting studs themselves as earrings must be removed for certain activities. Only studs as hoops can pose a safety risk.


Children should, at all times, be cleanly and sensibly dressed, especially in terms of shoes. Please make sure they can manage their clothes as children are expected to dress and undress themselves when required. During bad weather, please make sure your child has a warm coat to wear at playtimes. Children should also bring in sun hat if the case warm weather. Hoodies can be purchased from FOIPs thought their website.

Forest School

Children in Reception and Year 1 go to Forest School. The children should wear long trousers and tops. They should have a waterproof suit and a pair of wellington boots.

Labelling of uniform
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name as the school cannot accept responsibility for any articles lost or damaged on school premises.

To order School Uniform, please click the link to Brigade Clothing.


School Uniform 

We have a uniform to provide a practical and smart appearance for all the children. Our school specific uniform (with the school logo) is available to purchase online through our supplier, Brigade. There is some pre-loved uniform available at the school office. A small donation is required. As children are permitted to wear PE kit on PE days, this should follow school uniform of school T shirt, joggers and optional hoodie. (no branded clothing) 




Polo Shirts

White, long or short sleeves


Sweatshirts /



 This should be preferably with a school logo 

Trousers / Skirts


Skirts should be knee-length


Black, sensible flat heeled

Trainers should only be worn if they are all black, including the sole. If boots are worn, children will need to change into shoes whilst in school.

Summer Dresses

Yellow / White, striped or checked



Grey knee length (Grey)

For hot weather

PE Kit

Shorts or joggers – Navy, T-Shirt – Yellow / white, school Hoodie – House colours, Plimsolls or trainers

In September we will confirm PE days for Year Groups.

Children should not wear clothing with logos


Long hair should be tied back at all times.


This can be a hair band, clip, or bobble

Children should not have lines in their hair. If so, this should be down overt the school holidays and left to grow out over term time.


Only stud earrings are allowed if children have pierced ears. No jewellery is permitted otherwise.

For safety and security reasons. If children have pierced ears we expect them to manage removing and inserting studs themselves as earrings must be removed for certain activities. Only studs as hoops can pose a safety risk.


Children should, at all times, be cleanly and sensibly dressed, especially in terms of shoes. Please make sure they can manage their clothes as children are expected to dress and undress themselves when required. During bad weather, please make sure your child has a warm coat to wear at playtimes. Children should also bring in sun hat if the case warm weather. Hoodies can be purchased from FOIPs thought their website.

Forest School

Children in Reception and Year 1 go to Forest School. The children should wear long trousers and tops. They should have a waterproof suit and a pair of wellington boots.

Labelling of uniform
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name as the school cannot accept responsibility for any articles lost or damaged on school premises.

To order School Uniform, please click the link to Brigade Clothing.